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Monday, July 11, 2011


The post war Sri Lanka is poised for change and offered an opportunity it only dreamt of for three long decades. Where it now turns and how it will share the responsibility is a discussion left to a Sri Lankan forum that has the interests of the country first. Engagement of all people be they Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim in this discussion is crucial to how peace will prevail in the future.

A Tamil Diaspora that does not desire a return to the country at any point of time, can not be offered the decision making power over the Sri Lankan Tamil people. It would be both a catastrophic political blunder as well as a betrayal of the people who would ultimately have to suffer the consequences and the outcomes. It is imperative that Tamil political groups like the Tamil National Alliance be mindful of the fact that a final solution must overcome compulsions for its own survival.
It is equally important that the Tamil people be educated of the real reasons behind the political games played by the Tamil Diasporas. Be it the Channel 4 fiasco or the various human rights concerns raised; the fact remains that the Tamil Diaspora needs such mechanisms to justify its continued presence in the West. The hundreds of thousands who have made the West their home on grounds of political asylum, can not afford to let the fires of ‘ethnic’ discriminations die down. They can not allow for questions on why they need to remain in these countries now that the war is over, be the focus.
 Ironically, neither can they allow for a political solution; if that is the desire of the Tamil people of the North or the East be implemented. Admitting to the existence of a conducive atmosphere for the peaceful co-existence of all people in the country is also allowing the focus to be shifted towards them. This sadly is the reality behind the concern of a large majority of the Tamil Diaspora today pointing the finger at Sri Lanka.
Needless to say, the situation leaves much to be done to take the war ravaged Northern and Eastern parts of the country to their desired conditions. One; that the government has genuinely committed itself to, if the development activities or the resettlement process are to stand witness. In a scenario where those who cry foul from the West have failed to assist in the development drive in these areas, the legitimacy of the ‘concerns’ must be questioned.
It is therefore essential that the Tamil polity take on the responsibility of securing a future for its people by committing themselves genuinely to the process underway. Equally important is that they refrain from sacrificing such a future for their people by playing petty politics for obvious personal gain. The innocents of both sides of the divide have paid enough for private political games played by such opportunist for thirty long years. It is time country and not self took precedence.


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