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Saturday, July 2, 2011




In his dreams — perhaps


His greatest achievement, said Noynoy in his first anniversary report, is the way he has effected a change in the attitude of the Filipinos. Where before, people were apathetic, today, they are caring, a spiel which brought many to wonder from which planet Noynoy comes. But this is probably what he gets from listening only to Cabinet men who give him the fabricated “good news,” apart from the fact that Noynoy and his boys really have no solid achievement to speak of, which is why they resorted to something intangible and worse, unreal.
Filipinos are today more caring? More caring of what? Their government under their non-performing president? More caring about the simple things, such as following traffic rules? No longer having to bribe cops or Customs people because people are still with the same old attitude, and suffering even more under the Noynoy government.
That he had nothing to show for the full year he has been in office could easily be gleaned from the continued bashing of his predecessor, and the many problems she has left for him to resolve, which line is really wearing very thin. Yet he has to do so because Gloria and her administration are what Noynoy uses to excuse his failure, his utter lack of leadership and poor governance.
He still speaks of his straight path, which has already gone crooked for sometime and recycles some more his Kayo ang Boss Ko spiel, which has lost a lot of credibility, as he does not listen to what the people, his claimed boss, say, which can explain his steadily plunging approval ratings.
If the people really believed that Noynoy was an achiever and had done a lot in his first year, as well as having his boss “feel” the benefits of the claimed reforms and change he claims to have brought about, why then are his ratings plunging while those of his Vice President, Jojo Binay, have been holding steady?
Binay is seen as an achiever, while Noynoy is not, being seen as a lazy, know-nothing, do-nothing president.
But Noynoy appears to think that he can still sway the Filipino people into supporting him blindly, as he continues to live in his campaign mode, making big promises which he can’t deliver.
He said the country will no longer be importing rice by 2013, claiming that by then, the Philippines will be self-sufficient in rice, bragging that the next budget will have a big allocation for irrigation and needed infrastructure for farmers, noting that already, 240,000 farmers are now making use of 2,000 kilometers of farm to market roads and all constructed in only a year.
One wonders how he could have done all this, considering the fact that there was no allocation for this in the 2011 budget. Is this yet another case of credit-grabbing for something which was already completed by previous administrations, especially as Noynoy and his administration underspent the budget up to some P55 billion up till May this year?
He said he will be allocating a big budget for rice farmers’ infrastructure and irrigation, but he has already announced too that it will be departments like Dinky Soliman’s that will be given a hefty increse of 56 percent, which would give her over P53 billion, from P34.3 billion, that would be more than the agriculture budget that already has in its component, the usual rice importation factor.
Noynoy said he never had any ambitions to become the president of the country but said in so many words that it was the people who wanted him to be their president. That’s an exaggeration. There were more Filipino voters who chose other presidential bets, when the number of their votes are combined.
Still and all, if he really believes people wanted him to be president even if he did not want to be one, he agreed to be one with his eyes opened.
Now that he is president, he should then be acting like one, and working out the problems of the nation instead of whining about the problems left to him by the previous administration, and use these as an excuse for his utter failure as a leader.


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