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Saturday, May 28, 2011


Search for the way, the truth and life

The pandals, lanterns and dansal have been removed, bringing to an end the celebrations of Vesak and the 2600th anniversary of the  enlightenment of the Lord Buddha. What must begin now is to live the Dhamma and seeking enlightenment is a life-long journey, the more we seek it, the greater the spiritual treasure we find. Is not the challenge the Buddha offered us, calling us to go beyond paying homage or giving veneration. Those externals were primarily meant to be only signs of gratitude and thanksgiving. Did he not say that he will show how to discover the way and the truth? The cry in every human heart is the search for meaning to life. Each one however has to make that decision to go in search and make his or her own discoveries. The question then is whether we want to, during this span of our lives, find the way, the truth and life.
Humanity was in a sorry mess for thousands of years. Destiny always sought one who would be receptive enough to be imbued with enlightenment. The Buddha yearned to know the way and the truth for greater meaning to his life. He traversed the path and made such discoveries that he shared with all beings. The Dhamma was discovered and sown in human hearts through his teachings. Now in the frontiers of hope, we want to catch a glimpse of its birth in other wombs that are conducive to giving life. Creation is awaiting the new arrival in every generation. The creative force is lying dormant within our inner being, wanting to reveal to those who seek.
There had to be a beginning to the earth we live in. From within the Source, the cosmos was made to be. If we, the creatures have intelligence, then surely there had and has to be an even greater intelligence and power behind creation. Like the banks hold resources or wealth in their vaults, there is a repository of wisdom and truth, buried within the psyche of creation. Siddhartha Gautama was a thinker of that age, influenced in the matrix of Hinduism. Buddha discovers the seeds of truth. To a lesser degree, down the ages, there have been other great thinkers, who unearthed a few of those seeds of Truth. From the sages in the Himalayas to the great thinkers like Aristotle and Socrates; from discoveries made in the field of various sciences to the other achievements of man, the creative power of wisdom has generously sowed its seeds in those who sought them. The discoveries have enriched and blessed, so that all would benefit in every generation.
It is spectacularly revealed in scriptures that this Creative force or Intelligence has a nature that wants to share with all beings. Wisdom has spoken thus to one who sought the mind of the Author of Creation. The Author invites us to go about our daily duties with creative powers that would influence society to reach pinnacles of supernatural evolution, transcending this volatile earthly existence. Its familiar road is sexual immorality, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, drunkenness, orgies and the like which are to be avoided.
We are invited to welcome into our hearts and begin living peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self control. Our attitude, be it behind that desk or in front of the black board; dealing with family or in the board room, should bear this new nature. Seeking this way would reveal and take us to new frontiers we have never been to before.



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